Friday, January 06, 2006

No A.B.A.C.U.S. meeting in January 2006!

Just a reminder: By executive fiat, Roger declared at the December 2005 meeting that A.B.A.C.U.S. meetings will be every other month from now on. Since all attendees were agreeable to this, and constituted a quorum of the membership, the resolution passed by acclimation. We decided to do this, in part, because the July meeting usually conflicted with Independence Day, the September meeting usually fell on Labor Day weekend, and, most importantly, the November meeting and the Vintage Computer Festival usually collided.

This means that the next A.B.A.C.U.S. meeting will be Saturday, February 4, 2006 (provided we can all get past Groundhog Day). Subsequent meetings in 2006 will take place in April, June, August, October and December. There will be no meetings in January, March, May, July, September or November. More details can be found at main A.B.A.C.U.S. web site, at least once I've finished updating it!

See you February 4th.

- Warren